Python String: 3 Methods to Format Python String

In this tutorial, we will introduce 3 methods to format a python string.

3 Methods to Format Python String

1.Use % Operator

Here is an exmaple:

num = 12
result = num * num
str = "The square of %d is %d" % (num, result)

Run this code, you will see:

The square of 12 is 144

2.Use f-strings

For example:

num = 12
result = num * num
str = f"The square of {num} is {result}"

Run this code, you will see:

The square of 12 is 144

Expressions also can be used in f-string.

Here is an example:

a = 1
b = 2
str = f"Expression: {a + b}"

Run this code, you will see:

Expression: 3

3.Use string.format() method

Here is an example:

num = 12
result = num * num
str = "The square of {} is {}".format(num, result)

The output is:

The square of 12 is 144

You also can use name to format a string using string.format().

Here is an example:

a = 1
b = 2
str = "a is '{first}' and b is '{second:03}'".format(first=a, second=b)

Run this code, you will get the output:

a is '1' and b is '002'