In this tutorial, we will use some steps to create an application process monitor using python psutil.
1.Import some libraries
import psutil #pip install psutil import datetime import pandas as pd #pip install pandas
2.Create some variables to save information
pids = [] name = [] cpu_usage= [] memory_usage = [] memory_usage_percentage =[] status =[] create_time =[] threads =[]
4.Get application process information using psutil
for process in psutil.process_iter(): pids.append( name.append( cpu_usage.append(process.cpu_percent(interval=1)/psutil.cpu_count()) memory_usage.append(round(process.memory_info().rss/(1024*1024),2)) memory_usage_percentage.append(round(process.memory_percent(),2)) create_time.append(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(process.create_time()).strftime("%Y%m%d - %H:%M:%S")) status.append(process.status()) threads.append(process.num_threads())
You should notice:
- pid(): the process id number
- name(): the name of the process
- cpu_percent(): the percentage of CPU utilization of the process
- memory_info(): memory usage by the process
- memory_percent(): the process memory percentage by comparing the process memory
- create_time(): the process creation time in seconds.
- status(): the running status of the process.
- num_threads(): the number of threads used by the process.
- append(): add the return value to the list.
- round(): sound up the decimal pint number up to 2 digits.
- fromtimestamp(): convert the creation time seconds in readable time format
- strftime() function will convert the date-time object to a readable string
5.Save process information in a python dict
data = {"PIds":pids, "Name": name, "CPU":cpu_usage, "Memory Usages(MB)":memory_usage, "Memory Percentage(%)": memory_usage_percentage, "Status": status, "Created Time": create_time, "Threads": threads, }
6.Format and output application process information
process_df = pd.DataFrame(data) #set index to pids process_df =process_df.set_index("PIds") #sort the process process_df =process_df.sort_values(by='Memory Usages(MB)', ascending=False) #add MB at the end of memory process_df["Memory Usages(MB)"] = process_df["Memory Usages(MB)"].astype(str) + " MB" print(process_df)
Run this code, you may get this information: