Matplotlib: Change Plot Axes Background Using ax.set_facecolor()

In this tutorial, we will use an example to show you how to change plot axes background using ax.set_facecolor() in matplotlib.

Matplotlib - Change Plot Axes Background Using ax.set_facecolor() for Beginners

1.Prepare data to create a plot in matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
weather_data = pd.read_csv("seattleWeather.csv")

PRCP = weather_data['PRCP']
TMAX = weather_data['TMAX']
TMIN = weather_data['TMIN']

The data can be found in tutorial:

Matplotlib: Create a Plot Using plt.scatter()

2.Create axes to change background color

ax = plt.axes()
# OR
ax.set(facecolor = "orange")

In this code, we will change the background color to orange.

3.Show plot in matplotlib

plt.scatter(TMIN, PRCP)

Run this code, you will see:

Matplotlib: Change Plot Axes Background Using ax.set_facecolor()