In this tutorial, we will use php to get vistor’s country and city by ip address, this way is based on ipstack API.
1.Get verstor’s ip address using php
<?php $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>
2.Use ip address to get country and city
We will use ipstack api to get these information.
ipstak api likes:
where API_KEY is your access key.
Then we will get country and city by this api in php.
<?php $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"; $freegeoipjson = file_get_contents("".$ip."?access_key=".$api_key.""); $jsondata = json_decode($freegeoipjson); $countryfromip = $jsondata->country_name; $cityfromip = $jsondata->city; echo "City: ". $cityfromip .""; echo "<br/>"; echo "Country: ". $countryfromip .""; ?>